Albuquerque Police Department
Recent News About Albuquerque Police Department View More
National Police Week
Today we recognize the start of #NationalPoliceWeek.
Has Been Arrested for a Double Homicide
Samuel Archuleta has been arrested for a double homicide that occurred on April 30, 2022 along Girard Blvd. NE.
Open Count of Murder
APD detectives today arrested and charged 19-year-old Isaac Martinez for the Feb. 19, 2022, murder of Jonathan Garza outside of a Downtown bar.
Lost Hiker
Open space officers responded to a lost hiker call on the la luz trail in reference to a 23 year old male who had gone missing from his party while hiking.
Two Counts of Murder
The Albuquerque Police Department is looking for Samuel Archuleta, 21, who is accused of killing two of his roommates last weekend.
Street Racing Event
APD detectives have arrested Jose Cuevas, 25, for the August 2021 murder of Daniel Garcia following a street racing event on Albuquerque’s far West Side.
Islamic Center of New Mexico
The Southeast Area Command joined the Islamic Center of New Mexico during their Eid religious festival.
National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week
We would like to recognize and thank our call-takers and dispatchers
Valley Area Command officers enjoyed conversations
Valley Area Command officers enjoyed conversations and coffee today
APD Dispatch and Call Center Is Hiring
Can you answer the call?
Police Unit Tour
This morning Officer Bethea met with first grade students from Governor Bent Elementary School.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
During Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Albuquerque Police Department wants to recognize survivors
Down and Out Call
Southeast officers responded to a down and out call of a male in a vehicle.
Traffic Enforcement Citywide
APD Traffic Division has been focusing on traffic enforcement citywide.
Keep the Streets Clean
This morning APD and City departments joined together to clean the streets of the southeast area command.
APD and Project ECHO Launch Violent Crime Reduction Initiative
ALBUQUERQUE – This week the Albuquerque Police Department and Project ECHO hosted the first session
APD Releases 2021 Crime Stats: 1% Increase After 3 Years of Decreases
ALBUQUERQUE – The Albuquerque Police Department released preliminary crime stats for 2021
APD Makes Arrests Following Assault on Employees at Local Restaurant
ALBUQUERQUE – The Albuquerque Police Department arrested two individuals following an incident that occurred on March 31, 2022 at the Fuddruckers at the Coronado Mall.