Rep. Jim Townsend | Facebook
Rep. Jim Townsend | Facebook
New Mexico House Republicans released a statement in response to the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the petition they filed on constitutional concerns that allows House members to attend the 60-day legislative session through a video conference.
The statement said that the Higher Court denied the petition without giving an explanation.
“It is horribly unfortunate that the New Mexico Supreme Court has once again failed to respond to a significant constitutional issue that affects every New Mexican, and the processes where rules and laws are made,” House Republican Leader Jim Townsend said. “No other body, more than the Supreme Court, has a more important duty to protecting our state’s rules of law and order.”
House Republican Whip Rod Montoya added that “just like small business owners and parents of NM school children, legislators have lost confidence in New Mexico courts to protect our constitutional rights.”
The Republican leaders objected to the new rules, saying that taking part in the legislative session remotely was a violation of the New Mexican Constitution.
They have also questioned the need to discontinue the use of a microphone during a House Floor Debate.
The 60-day session commenced on Jan. 19.