The average VA loan amount in New Mexico during the third quarter of the fiscal year 2023 was $326,226, according to the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
New Mexico collected $1.1 billion in miscellaneous tax revenue during the third quarter of 2023, a 1,684.7% increase over the same period the previous year when $59 million was reported, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.
New Mexico collected $1.1 billion in miscellaneous tax revenue during the third quarter of 2023, unchanged from the previous quarter, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.
The third quarter of 2023 brought in $639 million in individual income tax revenue for New Mexico, a 73.2% increase from the same period in the previous year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
The third quarter of 2023 brought in $3 million in property tax revenue for New Mexico, a 95% decrease from the second quarter of 2023, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.
There were 255 VA home purchases in New Mexico in the third quarter of the VA's fiscal year 2023, totaling $85.7 million in loans, according to figures provided by the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
There were 255 VA home purchase loans issued in New Mexico in the third quarter of the fiscal year 2023 totaling $85.7 million, according to figures provided by the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
The VA issued seven Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loans in New Mexico during the third quarter of fiscal year 2023, compared to nine loans the previous quarter, according to figures provided by the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
The VA issued seven Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loans in New Mexico during the third quarter of fiscal year 2023, according to the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
New Mexico collected $3.1 billion in total tax revenues during the third quarter of 2023, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.
Lawmakers in New Mexico are set to review a proposal on the low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) that could potentially increase energy costs for residents and small business owners.
Despite the bipartisan rejection of a mandatory paid family medical leave program during the 2023 Legislative Session, New Mexico lawmakers are revisiting the issue.