The VA issued nine Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loans in New Mexico during the second quarter of fiscal year 2023, according to the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
These New Mexico political organizations received the most money from campaign donations in the second quarter of 2023, according to the Federal Election Commission.
There were less than 10 deaths with COVID-19 listed as the underlying cause reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up less than 2.9% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were less than 10 deaths with COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up less than 2.9% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 58 deaths from diseases of the heart reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up 16.8% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 12 deaths from cerebrovascular diseases reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up 3.5% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were less than 10 deaths with COVID-19 listed as the underlying cause reported in New Mexico in the week ending Aug. 5, making up less than 3.5% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 18 deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up 5.2% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were less than 10 deaths with COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause reported in New Mexico in the week ending Aug. 5, making up less than 3.5% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 13 deaths from diabetes mellitus reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up 3.8% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were less than 10 deaths from Alzheimer's disease reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up less than 2.9% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were less than 10 deaths from influenza and pneumonia reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up less than 2.9% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were less than 10 deaths from nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis reported in New Mexico in the week ending July 22, making up less than 2.9% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 46 deaths from diseases of the heart reported in New Mexico in the week ending Aug. 5, making up 16% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 18 deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases reported in New Mexico in the week ending Aug. 5, making up 6.3% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.
There were 14 deaths from cerebrovascular diseases reported in New Mexico in the week ending Aug. 5, making up 4.9% of total deaths by all causes in New Mexico.